frustrated stressed unfulfilled
  • Feeling overwhelmed by stress and information overload
  • Frustrated or unsatisfied by the results you get from your efforts
  • Sometimes doubting you’ll ever be able to create the results you want to see in your life or business?

The Power of Mindset

Aren’t you tired of toiling away on tasks and strategies that don’t seem to pan out – or worse, seem to suck the energy right out of you?

Do you feel like you have no time (or mental capacity) to do what you really want to do because you spend so much time dealing with what you “Have to Do”?

Are you fed up with working with less than ideal clients who don’t respect you just because you “need the money”?

Do your current packages and programs exhaust you rather than excite you? 

Do you sometimes feel like a fraud on social media because you’re doing and saying things that aren’t totally aligned (most likely because someone else told you what you should feel and say)? 

And most importantly, do you feel drained, bored, and – let’s just put it out there – TRAPPED BY YOUR OWN BUSINESS?

If Any Or All Of This Sounds Familiar, You’re So Not Alone. There Are Many Services-Based Business Owners All Around The World, Struggling With A General Lack Of Joy And Fulfilment In Their Businesses.

Breaking Free from Business Burnout

​Even though your business might have started as a pathway to your dream lifestyle and doing the work you love, it can easily turn into a nightmare if you’re not careful.


  • Demanding clients that don’t take no for an answer.
  • Packages and services that don’t feel quite right (but you continue to deliver them anyway).
  • Tasks that take up too much time–and energy.

Over time, any or all of the above can zap your energy, joy and happiness–and literally make you dread running your own business.

But seriously,

  • Anytime you let a client reschedule yet another coaching call at the last minute…
  • Or put out yet another social media post that doesn’t feel quite like you…
  • Or let yet another new client book that one package off your website that you really meant to take down months ago (because, shoot, you could use the money)…

It’s time to

Reclaim your passion for your work

Set boundaries with clients and tasks

Align your services with your true self

Maria Duckhouse

The Path to Transformation

Separate your learnings from your performance expectations

You’re creating yet Another Reasons to Hate Being Your Own Boss

If you’ usually let people (clients, colleagues, friends and family) overstep your boundaries, cut corners and put you in a pinch… it’s time to learn from that.
Hopefully, you’re not literally dread waking up every morning to go to work. In any case, if you don’t love running your own business like you thought you would, please take note of it. Acknowledge the disconfirm so you know what you don’t want and look for the learning lessons.

We may not know why things don’t work out but we do learn, something has to change.

Overcome information overload and indecisiveness

You can love your Business Again by Changing Toxic Patterns & Behaviours 

  • By trimming down your to-do list so it’s packed with tasks you love and not stuff you’d rather not even think about (let alone actually do).
  • By setting firm boundaries and teach others to treat you with dignity and respect (and maybe even stop showing up crazy-late to coaching calls).

It’s possible to start feeling grateful again for your clients, the packages and services you deliver and the whole entrepreneur life enchilada–all over again.

Yes… There’s a solution – you already have it, real change often comes from within

To support you I’m introducing Change Your Mindset for Success

  • A course designed to help you love your business again
  • Learn to set boundaries, redefine your goals, and rediscover your passion

Change Your Mindset for Success

change your mindset for success pic

This quick and easy online course

will kick start your mindset change and guide you through meeting your authentic self, getting past harmful habits, and pushing the reset button on your business and life.

By taking a quick pause to re-assess a few things and get your mindset right, Mindset Reset will help you finally start to love being your own boss again!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Get past self-defeating habits like procrastination – even if you’ve never been able to get past them before.
  • Make a commitment to changing what isn’t working for you – and this time, finding what really does.
  • Determine what’s toxic in your business, your relationships and your own mindset –and what you need to ditch, delegate or simply look at differently.
  • Gain more emotional energy to deal with everything in business and life (and physical energy if you want it, too!).
  • Do more with your business – while simultaneously taking more time for yourself.
  • Experience a massive uptick in gratitude, joy and fulfilment from your business – even if you right now you can’t think of a single reason to stay self-employed.
change mindset
  • Module 1 is all about taking inventory of who and what’s draining you, so you can decide what to do about it and bring joy back to your biz and your relationships.
  • Module 2 In this module you’ll understand that gratitude isn’t just some rosy, airy-fairy concept. Instead, you’ll see it as the transformational tool it truly is.
  • Module 3 will help you get over the feeling that you should do something because “everybody else is” and help the true you shine through.
  • Module 4 teaches you exactly what to do when your business turns into a nightmare instead of a dream.

Sound good?

Here’s exactly what you can expect from this self-paced, 4-module mindset change course:

Module 1: Remove Toxic Relationships & Non-productive or Irrelevant Tasks

How much time are you spending on tasks (and people) that don’t feed your soul and bring you happiness? I get it: We all have that one friend who stresses us out, or that one client who pushes all the wrong buttons. Add to that the chores we dread, and it’s a recipe for unhappiness, frustration and a serious lack of motivation. But it doesn’t have to be!

In module 1, we’ll cover
  • How to decide what work (and chores) to switch, ditch or delegate–so you can eliminate the work you dread from your daily to-dos, for real.
  • The #1 “bad” habit that’s stopping you from getting things done and reaching your full potential–and how to break it.
  • Setting strong boundaries with clients, family, and friends so you stop feeling used and overworked–and how to deal with guilt about sticking up for yourself.
  • How to identify toxic client and personal relationships–plus when and how to rid yourself of them.
  • Limiting your exposure to energy vampires–and what to do about those not-so-awesome relationships you “have” to keep.

Module 2: Count Your Blessings

We all have plenty to be thankful for, but it’s pretty easy to forget how wonderful the little things are in the midst of day-to-day life and business drama. Module 2 provides practical actions you can take to make an attitude of gratitude your default, so you can more easily acknowledge the good in your life every day (even the crazy days!).

In module 2, we’ll cover
  • How to find more things to be immensely grateful for in your business and life–even when times are undeniably tough.
  • 2 proven tools to keep your vibration high–especially when you’re feeling defeated or overwhelmed.
  • 9 ways to uncover ‘hidden’ blessings in your life and plug back into the joy–even when the road looks rough and outside circumstances aren’t the best.
  • How to raise your spirits even when you can’t think of a single thing you’re thankful for.
  • How to properly use gratitude to beat depression–and what to do when unwanted feelings crop up while you’re riding the gratitude train.
  • 10 powerful benefits that stem from appreciating the little things in life (Spoiler alert: Less stress and more joy–with zero artificial aids–are just two!)

Module 3: Be Enthusiastically Authentic

Nothing is more draining than trying to be something you’re not. If you’re forcing yourself to fit into an unrealistic “image” of a coach just because you think that’s what your clients expect, you’re going to burn out fast. Instead, Module 3 will teach you everything you need to know about how to embrace and love the real you–and let him or her shine online.

In module 3, we’ll cover
  • Why loving who you are and showing it to the world will land you more clients–guaranteed!
  • What “finding your voice” actually means–and how to use yours to blog, email and do social media in a way that feels true-to-you (and not like a persona).
  • Filtering the whirlwind of advice coming at you online–and how to know how to choose what’s right for you.
  • How to tap into the authentic you–and gracefully handle the #1 problem coaches face when tapping into their authentic selves.
  • Why your story is your strongest selling point–and how to use it online to connect with clients who truly respect you.
  • Why you don’t have to be something you’re not to succeed in the online space–and exactly how to choose where and when you want to show up so marketing feels natural, fun and fulfilling.
  • How to set up communication boundaries that keep you and your clients and potential clients happy–so you never feel overwhelmed by interaction online (even if you’re a natural introvert).

Module 4: Build a Business You Can Love Again

Ready to give your business the makeover it desperately needs? Here’s the truth: Over time, if you’re not diligent, you may find that your business has morphed into something you never envisioned. In this module, we’re going to identify what you need to do differently in order to love your business again. It IS possible–and I’ll show you how!

In module 4, we’ll cover
  • The simple process to help you determine whether your ideal client is still your ideal client–in just a few minutes.
  • How to rework your existing programs and offers so you’re excited to talk about–and offer them–again–and your clients are even more thrilled to sign up!
  • How to give your knowledge a powerful booster shot–and (finally) get turned on by working in your field again!

If you follow the modules in this mindset change course & implement it, I know without a doubt you’ll start to feel less burnt out and overwhelmed and more fulfilled, joyful and grateful for your business–and life.

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About ​Me


Hi, I’m Maria Duckhouse | Certified Master Life Coach.

I help ambitious women shift their perspective to boost their results while they focus on their personal wellbeing. I specialized in working on mindset because that’s what I needed the most back when I was feeling stuck and frustrated.

It works well to reduce the pressure or stress we all naturally put ourselves under. But its true value lies in how it makes us feel and improves our coping mechanisms. It did wonders for me, so I’m hoping you’ll take this invitation to start enjoying the benefits as well.

Let’s Get You Excited About Working for Yourself Again?

Business is business. It’ll always have its ups and downs.

But no business owner should go through life hating the very thing they created.

Once you get rid of everything that’s not working and get grateful for what is, everything changes. 

That’s what changing your mindset gives you.

Just Imagine

✓Waking up with a fire in your heart and a feeling of true purpose
✓Loving your clients, your packages and services and (almost) everything on your to-do list
✓Never feeling like you have to fake it ever again–because you’re finally aligned and being your true self online (and people are loving it!)

This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky dream.

It’s very do-able, I can assure you.with a little mindset change in a few key areas of your biz, you’ll be done. This will no longer be a Dream.

Here’s What’s Included:


mindset change online course

4 Weeks Self-Paced Online Study Course

  • Training Modules
  • Implementation 
  • Checklists 
  • Success Blueprint 
  • Success Planner
  • Email Q & A Support

£197  (Total value £497 )



Refund Policy

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. Try the first module. If you don’t like it, for any reason, simply email us back your completed worksheets and action plans within 7 days and we’ll issue you with a fast and courteous refund. 

So tell me, are you ready to start getting results with your mindset change?

Buy me a coffee