You Attract Whatever You Think About

Can we really attract what we want?

The Fundamental Concept:

whether you purposely use it or not, the law of attraction is already working for all of us.

As we know, the Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lifes what we most think about, that thoughts become things in our physical to reality.

Although, “you attract whatever you think about in life” seems like an idealistic concept.

The skeptic in you will probably & naturally may I add, had doubts about this too, who wouldn’t?

Sure, I know that not everyone is aware of it nor that those aware accept it as a fundamental truth. However, over time, something incredible seems to happen. if you pay enough attention you can start seeing, and notice it in action. And the more I believed the more I noticed. if you stop to think for a minute and decide to believe in the possibilities… wouldn’t they be worth a try?

If You’re a Skeptic

Please don’t disregard this right away.

Give it a try, (as previously mentioned, E-squared by Pam Grout is a great book for that) 

I mean, if you were to stop and think for a minute to believe in the amazing possibilities.

  • What do you want? I mean what do you really want? 
  • What would light up your life, your family’s life?
  • What would make you fulfilled and happy every day?
  • And if there is a way to have it all, wouldn’t you try it?
  • Wouldn’t your dreams be worth the effort?

Of course, they would.


The root of the problems is natural.

We when you start looking at the idea of the Law of Attraction, several questions arise.

For example, whenever at least 2 people are competing for the same thing but only one of them can get it.

  • Doesn’t it mean the other one’s thoughts were wasted for nothing?
  • Doesn’t that tarnish the law of attractions’ credibility?

Many of the problematic questions can be solved by applying the concept of subjective reality.

Subjective Reality

This concept relies on the belief that there’s only one consciousness.

This consciousness is yours but also that of everything and everyone.

So both yours and other people’s personal realities, are a projection of your thoughts and intentions.

When using this concept of subjective reality,

It’s extremely important to define yourself:

  • who you are,
  • what you believe,
  • and what you stand for,
  • but not your physical body, as you are not your physical body in subjective reality.

If you choose not to define yourself in subjective reality, you could quickly lose yourself.

To better understand the concept of subjective reality, approach it like you would approach a dream.

In a dream, your physical body is irrelevant.

What truly matters in the dream is you (your experience, your thoughts, and the way you perceive things.)

The dream occurs entirely within your mind, and everyone involved in the dream is a projection of your thoughts and intentions.

For the Law of Attraction, your physical reality works in very much the same way.

Although changes do occur more gradually in the physical world, the rules are the same and things still respond to your thoughts like they would in the dream world, because you and your thoughts are in control of the physical “dream” where this is all taking place.

the rules are the same and things still respond to your thoughts like they would in the dream world, because you and your thoughts are in control of the physical “dream” where this is all taking place.

because you and your thoughts are in control of the physical “dream” where this is all taking place.

You may find yourself thinking about other people’s thoughts and intentions in your physical reality, but according to subjective reality and the Law of Attraction, you shouldn’t. The whole point of subjective reality is that everyone but you is an illusion, simply projections of your own thoughts and intentions.

The whole point of subjective reality is that everyone but you is an illusion, simply projections of your own thoughts and intentions.

So yes, with all of this taken into consideration, you can see how some people believe you can attract whatever you think about.

I personally believe in it, because it resonates true to me at a deeper level,

Besides, I witness the law of attraction in action on a daily basis, I couldn’t reject it even if I wanted to.

It would be like refusing to admit there is a gravity on earth.

We can’t see it but we can see its effect on very clearly.

But I also understand why some can’t see it as well, so I’m ok with that.

If you are a skeptic, my intention is not to convince you, but to help you open up to try to see for yourself.

And if you are already a believer, welcome my friend, please get in touch, I would love to have your perspective.

To all, many blessings.

Maria xx



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Maria Duckhouse
Hello! I’m Maria, a passionate Authentic Expression Coach, content creator, and blogger dedicated to helping women reconnect with their true selves and live more fulfilling lives. With a unique blend of creativity, empathy, and intuitive insight, I craft engaging narratives that inspire personal growth, authentic self-expression, and meaningful connections.

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