3 Strategies you shouldn’t ignore

 strategies you shouldnt ignore

3 Strategies You Shouldn’t Ignore

Working to grow your list? Who isn’t!

You’ve no doubt tried all the usual strategies, such as offering a freebie through a pop-up or sidebar form, hosting a free webinar, or maybe even running Facebook ads.

And while all those techniques can work, they’re not going to produce a large influx of new names and emails.

LinkedIn Publishing

Not so long ago, content marketers found great success by syndicating their content on sites such as Ezine Articles or even in guest blog posts. The big Google changes of the past have put an end to those strategies (mostly) but there is one up-and-coming publishing platform that looks promising: LinkedIn.

Their relatively new blogging tool allows users to post long-form updates complete with images, calls to action, keyword tags and more. If your audience is on LinkedIn, it’s well worth checking out. As with all content marketing though, the real key to making LinkedIn Publishing work for you is consistency. The more content you release, the more results you’ll see. For best results, drive traffic directly to an opt-in page.

Solo Ads

Getting a fellow business owner with a large mailing list to promote your offer can bring in a flood of new traffic—especially if that list owner is well respected and has a responsive list.

Finding said list owner is another matter altogether.

Enter www.safe-swaps.com, where list owners offer up space in their mailings with a guaranteed response rate. Choose the type of list you want, the number of clicks you’re looking for, and Safe Swaps will present you with dozens of options to choose from. All that’s left is to agree to the advertising rate.

Content Upgrades

Got a blog? Chances are you have an opt-in form at the end of each post, or at the very least, in the sidebar.

Here’s an even better option: Add a content specific opt-in form to each blog post. For example, if you want people to sign up for your giveaway event featuring 27 branding experts, and you write a blog post promoting the event, then a content upgrade might include a tips sheet with one tip from each participant. You’ll add people to your mailing list, plus give them a taste of what they’ll find in the upcoming event. Getting them to opt-in to both will be a breeze when you take advantage of closely related material for a content upgrade.

Speaking of giveaway events, they’re a fantastic way to grow your list, too. If you’ve never done one, definitely consider that to be among the best bets for list building.


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Maria Duckhouse
Hello! I’m Maria, a passionate Authentic Expression Coach, content creator, and blogger dedicated to helping women reconnect with their true selves and live more fulfilling lives. With a unique blend of creativity, empathy, and intuitive insight, I craft engaging narratives that inspire personal growth, authentic self-expression, and meaningful connections.

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