What Makes You Amazing?

Although we know it’s important to share a little-known fact about us…

We don’t. Why?  Regardless of the reasons, we need to shift it through action. Well, I was challenged and I want to challenge you too.

Ok… This is uncomfortable, but I recently joined a 5-day challenge and today’s challenge is to share something amazing about myself.

I usually don’t share what’s amazing about myself because I don’t usually think it’s interesting to anyone else but me.

But here it goes…

Akashic Records Reading
Maria Duckhouse –
Soul Realignment Practitioner

Did you know that as a certified soul realignment practitioner? As such, I’m an akashic records reader and my readings are very accurate. This is how I can effectively help my coaching clients change their lives by making more informed choices which are in alignment with whom they are or want to be.

I’d love to hear something amazing about you in the comments
below! Because I want you to know that no matter what is
going on in the world that there are people who will celebrate
you when you have the courage to shine brightly.
This is actually why I became a mindset coach.

Because I LOVE helping my clients go from feeling stressed and not understanding why they aren’t achieving the results they want, to feeling elated and excited about their results and the new opportunities they are getting as a result of us working together.

I’m feeling called to help a whole new wave of people.
Will you hold this vision for me?

I’m offering 5 stress relief sessions this week as my gift to you.
I have room in my schedule for 5 sessions, so if you know someone who is stressed or stuck in a rut and wants to develop positive habits and to finally start going in the direction of their dreams, will you share this post with them?

Thank you!
You’re Amazing!!!

Buy me a coffee
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Maria Duckhouse
Hello! I’m Maria, a passionate coach, content creator, and blogger dedicated to crafting engaging and inspiring narratives. With a background in painting and life coaching, I bring a unique blend of creativity and empathy to my writing. My work is driven by a deep commitment to personal growth, experiencing fulfillment, and meaningful connections.

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