How to Figure Out What You Want in Life

It is a difficult decision. We know that you only have this life right now. So it’s natural to want the best out of it. But what do you value the most? The answer may be obvious to some, but most people feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. Many people will take the highest paying job. 

Some people want more from life.

It is possible to live a meaningful life while still being able to pay your bills on time. You can give this topic the time it needs, but you must make a decision.

It can be more difficult to choose the right thing than to choose the wrong one.

These steps will help you create the life you desire.

  1. Decide how hard you will work. It’s likely that you will need to put in a lot of effort if your goal is to become a billionaire. Maybe you have many hobbies and enjoy spending time with friends or at home. Do you have the time and commitment?     
    • Consider how much time it takes to complete a task and make sure that all possibilities are within your budget.
  2. Create a list of your core values.
    • Your values can be a great starting point. 
    • A person who values success and security will have a different life goal than someone who values family and fun. People are unaware of their values, largely because they have never considered them.
    • You can make a list of all the values you possess and prioritize it by putting the most important ones at the top. Concentrate on the top 10
    • These values should guide your choices about what you do with your life.
  3. Take a look at your past.
    • As a child, what were you interested in?  What was your dream job? 
    • What were you most proud of in the past? 
    • What was your favorite thing about the past? You know yourself well and have plenty of data from the past that you can use to make a positive future.
  4. What are your current interests?
    • What do you like to do? 
    • What are you most interested in learning?
  5. Which are your strengths?
    • What comes easy for you? 
    • What strengths could you use to further your abilities and make a difference in your life?
  6. What can you do to make the world a better place?
    • Answering this question will help you come up with positive ideas for yourself and others. 
    • Helping others will make you feel better about yourself.
  7. Find out how you can help alleviate the greatest suffering in the world. 
    • This can be done by making jokes or fixing transmissions. 
    • What can you do to be the most helpful person in the world?
  8. What would you like to do but not?
    • Maybe you don’t like the idea of working in an office setting. 
    • Maybe you hate working in an office environment or working with teams. 
    • Consider the jobs you have held in the past, and what you disliked about them.

Also, before you start thinking about the future, consider your dislikes.

happy Figure Out What you
Figure Out What You Want In Life

Are you even open to new ideas? 

Spend some time deciding how you want it to be spent.

Ask yourself important questions. Consider what you enjoy and dislike. 

Understanding your values will help you create a vision for the future.

Then, go find what you’re looking for and rejoice! If you’d like me to help you effectively apply this in your life, send me your details, plus the title of the blog and I’ll get back to you.

Many Blessings, Maria x

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Maria Duckhouse
Hello! I’m Maria, a passionate Authentic Expression Coach, content creator, and blogger dedicated to helping women reconnect with their true selves and live more fulfilling lives. With a unique blend of creativity, empathy, and intuitive insight, I craft engaging narratives that inspire personal growth, authentic self-expression, and meaningful connections.

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