3 Easy Ways To Write Your Book

3 Simple Yet Effective Ideas to Write a Book Today

We know that books are a very powerful way to show your expertise in your market.

They can also exponentially expand your audience. So apart from writing the actual book, there is hardly any downside to having a book. Because it’s one of the best way to land paid speaking engagements, as well as get the attention of press outlets, influential bloggers & podcasters.

Now you might be thinking, “it’s all well and good but I am not a writer, so this is not for me.”

Think again. If you have a message, I’m sure it needs to be heard. Don’t you think it needs to be heard?

There are options for you to get your message out, and writing a book is one of them. Besides, you don’t have to be the actual writer, as I said you still have options.

Below are some of them.


Repurpose Your ContenT

By reusing the hundreds or even thousands of pages of content you may have already created, you will almost have no more writing involved in writing your book. You probably will have to edit some of it to make sure the ideas flow. But essentially the main ideas will be ready for you to reuse or even update, So check your blog, your notes or files, you probably have your book ready and waiting for you to bring it to light. I discussed this in my earlier blog post, to help you get over the fear of writing a book by reusing your blog’s content.


Get PLR Content

If you don’t have any content yet, no worries. There are companies such as CoachGlue.com that specialize in creating content you are allowed to license and use as your very own. It’s called private label rights content, or PLR. Depending on who you buy from, it’s high quality, well-researched content that will really give you a helping hand into starting off writing the content of your book or books.

However, please remember that because PLR it’s sold to more than one person, it’s very important that you edit the content to adapt it to your unique voice, your point of view of the matter, the industry of subject you are relating to, after all the readers want to know what you think. But most importantly, you cannot use PLR to publish a book on Kindle, as this is a violation of their terms of service.


Want a book that’s all you without having to do the work?

Hire a ghostwriter.

Ghostwriters are professionals who work with you to create a book that is as if you’d written it yourself. They are expert writers and love doing just that, so you end up with a well-written book with your name on it.

Having a published book on your resume can favorably impact your business growth. This is why I’m working on mine and advise any service based entrepreneur to work on theirs too. It could bring more clients by expanding our audiences reach by so many ways including the press. But you have to first write the actual book. So if you feel inspired, take one of these ideas and get it done. You won’t regret it.

Now if on the other hand, you’re still wondering why you should write a book as a coach, consultant, expert, keynote speaker, thought leader etc, check out my blog post laying some of the benefits of having or writing your book.

Don’t you think? Comment below

Have a great week ^_^

Maria xx

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Maria Duckhouse
Hello! I’m Maria, a passionate coach, content creator, and blogger dedicated to crafting engaging and inspiring narratives. With a background in painting and life coaching, I bring a unique blend of creativity and empathy to my writing. My work is driven by a deep commitment to personal growth, experiencing fulfillment, and meaningful connections.

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