Time management

Let’s talk about time management

How many times in a day do you say “I don’t have time”… for this or that?

Prioritize, often having your genuine desires in the corner to fill the needs of others or things you think are “more important” more valuable, etc…

Stop it now, right now… I mean it!

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Time is the single most valuable thing we have.

  • It passes whether we want it or not
  • and you can never, ever get it back.
  • This makes it rare,
  • This makes it precious
  • This makes it extremely valuable

Sort that out with these tips —> 

[thrive_2step id=’503′]Free Time Management Tips[/thrive_2step]

So how come we become so careless with our most precious commodity?

Because in the present we have it… we all do. So we don’t see. It’s not our fault, that is how we’re programmed. We rarely focus on what we have, but on what we lack.

And that is why only those short of time realize just how valuable it is, just how much your time on this earth is important. They know they want to use it to get the most out of it but sometimes, they just don’t know how to.

Are you one of them? I know I am.

That’s why I want to talk about Time Management

But What is Time Management?

Seriously? Some people say it’s a myth. We can’t manage time…

I disagree… You can’t mold it for you sure but you can improve your activities to make the most of it.

That’s managing, isn’t it? Not time itself, but your time in effect,

“Time Management is what you do with the time you have available”

That’s my definition, anyway.

Time always seemed to pass me by despite my dreams, wishes, goals, objectives.

I had no control over it and absolutely no idea how to change that fact.

Yet I knew that :

  • The successful people I look up to always seem to have time for everything.
  • We all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How did they do it?

[thrive_2step id=’503′]TIME MANAGEMENT.[/thrive_2step]

“Time Management? Big deal” you say? “Yup, but not just any old time planning”.

A proper plan, built for you, by you, using very simple but effective principles.

Principles that lead to my aspirations.

I realised that using Time Management, my influencers could:

  1. build a business they absolutely adore,
  2. attract their perfect clients,
  3. continuously build their community
  4. have plenty of time to take great care of themselves, their family and friends.

Whatever it was, I wanted that. But I didn’t know exactly how to pull it off. Nor exactly what to be frankly honest. I was unhappy, and I wanted out. Others were happy, and I wanted in on that… lol.

So, to find my happiness, I went on a journey of discovery and self-development last year. It was long and hazardous, but I was finally out. I know what I want, what I need, how to do it and my business has flourished.

Download system to help you get started, and would love to hear about your own successes using tool or any other time management system that helped you out.

Time is your biggest asset:

  • Companies know this ( so they buy your time with a salary job)
  • Rich people know this and use that to leverage their fortune.
  • It is time (haha), that you know it too.

This is for you:

  • If you are a busy mum, working in an office or at home.
  • If you are an entrepreneur who is struggling, build your business
  • If you are self-employed and worried about your future.
  • If you would like to finally achieve your goals,
  • If you are juggling tasks and activities but can’t get traction in your project.
  • If you are a student and need to schedule yourself effectively for success
  • If time management confuses you and you want a simple plan,

Or simply because things just seem to happen to you and you want to have more control.

I will send you my time management made easy in a 6 steps approach to successfully achieve all your goals

when you also register for my newsletter by claiming this —>

[thrive_2step id=’503′]Free Time Management Tips[/thrive_2step]

Please share this on social media if you found any value in it.

As always, I’m here if you have a question or would like some support send me a quick message and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can. Until then, take care.

With much love, Maria.

https://mariaduckhouse.com | Let’s connect on Instagram | FacebookPage

https://mariaduckhouse.com | Let’s connect on Instagram | FacebookPage

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Maria Duckhouse
Hello! I’m Maria, a passionate Authentic Expression Coach, content creator, and blogger dedicated to helping women reconnect with their true selves and live more fulfilling lives. With a unique blend of creativity, empathy, and intuitive insight, I craft engaging narratives that inspire personal growth, authentic self-expression, and meaningful connections.

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